And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ.

There would be nothing particularly necessary for me to detain the Reader with in going over this pedigree of names, more than to mark the correctness, if the mere pedigree was all. But there is somewhat more worth noticing in this genealogy: and I venture to believe, that God the Holy Ghost did intend that the Church should make other observations upon the record here given, and therefore I beg to point them out as they strike me.

In the first place, I desire the Reader not to overlook the pointed reference in every name here mentioned to the Lord Jesus Christ. Abraham had many sons beside Isaac, but none are noticed but him. And the reason is plain. The promise in the charter of grace was, in Isaac shall thy seed be called. And hence to all the other Sons of Abraham; the Ishmaels, and the Esaus, of every generation, there is no respect. Amos 3:2

Secondly, In this pedigree we find many of the characters whose lives gave evident proof, that though by nature they were in the ancestry of CHRIST, yet in grace they had no relation to him. Not to enter into many particular proofs, it may be observed, that Roboam, (or Rehoboam), Abia, and Jechonias, are marked in Scripture under peculiar tokens of divine displeasure. 1 Kings 12:15; 1Ki 15:3; 2 Kings 24:9; Jeremiah 22:24, etc. Now the Reader ought to make due remarks upon these circumstances, in proof that grace is not hereditary. It descends not from father to son. Yea, on the contrary we are told, that they which are sons of God, are born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. John 1:12. And what a sweet thought to a child of God is the consideration, that from our union with CHRIST, as it was with the LORD JESUS when upon earth; so will it be with his people in heaven: Whosoever (said Jesus) shall do the will of my FATHER which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother! Matthew 12:50

Thirdly. It is remarkable in this pedigree of the Lord Jesus that there are four names recorded in the female line; and three of them, in point of moral characters, are spoken of as exceptionable. Thamar is she with whom Judas committed incest. Genesis 38:13. Rachab (or Rahab) the harlot. Joshua 2:1; Hebrews 11:31; James 2:25. And Bathsheba, with whom David committed adultery. 2 Samuel 11:3. Let the Reader pause over this view. We know that CHRIST was made sin for us, who knew no sin. And he was also made a curse for us. And he was made in the likeness of sinful flesh. See 2 Corinthians 5:21; Galatians 3:13; Romans 8:3. All these things are explained to us in the Causes and reasons for the wonderful appointment. But was it needful also, that his holy, spotless nature should come through such channels of sin, and uncleanness? Was it absolutely necessary that He who was separate from sinners, and. made higher than the heavens, should be thus manifested to his Church by such ancestry? Reader! Ponder well the subject! And do not overlook in it the unequalled humility of the SON of God!

Fourthly. I beg to detain the Reader with one observation more on this pedigree of JESUS. We find Rahab and Ruth, in this genealogy of CHRIST. Now both these women were Gentiles. Rahab, of Jericho; and Ruth, of Moab. And yet are here incorporated with Israel, and from this union after the flesh CHRIST came. Was this to show, that though with Israel was deposited the promises, yet the Church of JESUS should be made of both Jew and Gentile? And, as in after ages, when redemption-work was finished, and the middle wall of partition taken down, both should be brought into one fold; yet before all this, yea, before the coming of Christ, the alliance of JESUS with his Gentile Church, as well as with the Jewish, should be shown and proved by such an union as CHRIST after the flesh, arising out of both? Reader! Ponder this well also, for it is blessed. See Isaiah 49:6; Galatians 3:28.

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