"A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things."

I pause over this verse, by way of observing, once for all, the scriptural sense of a good man. The word of God hath expressly said, that there is none good, no not one. Romans 3:10; Romans 3:10; Ecclesiastes 7:20; Proverbs 24:16; Romans 5:1 throughout. Hence therefore, as the word of God, cannot but be in perfect agreement with itself, in every part; it is evident, that by a good man, is meant one that is regenerated and born again; one that is renewed in the spirit of his mind, and justified in Christ Jesus. Paul speaks of such. 1 Corinthians 5:11. So that this man differs from the natural man, yea, from what he himself once was, before this sovereign act of grace had passed upon his mind; and therefore now, out of the good treasure of his heart, in Christ; and from the graces of his Holy Spirit planted there, he brings forth the sweet and precious fruits in life and conversation, of the person, work, and righteousness of Jesus. Philippians 1:27; Psalms 66:16.

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