"But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only."

I desire to look at this verse singly, from the abuses made of it by the enemies to the Godhead of Christ. Had the Sceptic limited the sense of it, as it is evidently intended, to the day of Jerusalem's destruction, and not referred it to what it never; was intended to have regard, to the second coming of Christ; he would have seen that the God. Head of Christ was neither honored nor dishonored in the business. As the God-Man Christ Jesus, all judgment is committed to Christ, on purpose that all men should honor the Son even as they honor the Father. And he who alone is to be the judge of quick and dead, must know both the time and all the process connected with it. But on the occasion of Jerusalem's visitation, to which this verse refers, though Christ had so fully foretold the whole events which should take place, he doth not say the year was not known, for he himself had declared that that generation should not pass away till all were fulfilled; but our Lord's expressions, are of that day and hour. And all consciousness of time was lost when the calamities took place on that devoted city.

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