Here the LORD closeth his discourse, and plainly sheweth whose are his from the men of the world. CHRIST is the Rock of Ages, the Precious Corner Stone JEHOVAH hath laid in Zion. And all that believe in him shall never perish, but have everlasting life. While on the contrary, those who build on the sand of their own attainments, when the storms of life come upon them, sink under the unequal pressure, and are buried in the everlasting ruins of their own confusion, and shall never come to the habitations of the blessed. The close of the LORD'S' sermon was, as might be expected. They were astonished at his doctrine. He spake as never man spake, and his word was with power.


READER! having gone over the whole of this blessed Sermon of CHRIST, let us sum up the contents, and beg of God the HOLY GHOST to write all the gracious truths contained in it in our hearts, And while we hear the LORD giving to his Church the whole Gospel of Salvation, oh! what a blessed consideration is it, that JESUS himself hath fulfilled all, and is all to his redeemed. Never may the Church of JESUS forget this, but receive Christ as the Father's gift, and the complete salvation of JEHOVAH to the end of the earth!

Precious, blessed Lord JESUS! so may my soul hear these sayings of thine, and embrace them, that building upon thee as the foundation, the superstructure, and the whole, both of Law and the Prophets, when the Lord shall arise to shake terribly the earth, I may be found firm on the rock, against which the gates of hell shall never prevail. Despised as thou hast been, and still art, by Jews and false Christians, and a stone of stumbling and rock of offence; yet to me be thou more precious than the mountains of spices. In thy person, work and offices; in thy character and relations; in thy complete righteousness and salvation; be thou my Lord, my hope, and everlasting portion. Lord grant that I may never build on the sandy performance of anything of my own, or mix up with thy complete work the hay and the stubble of any legal righteousness, which can stand no wind of the day of God's wrath; but be thou the all in all, of all grace here, and of glory forever. Amen.

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