Reader! do observe from those blessed expressions, how the mind of the Prophet is lifted up, in admiring and adoring the riches and fulness of Almighty grace: He takes his contemplation of the greatness, and depth of it, from the vast ocean of congregated waters. It is all free, full, rich, and sovereign! It is not only grace, and abounding grace, but the exceeding riches of his grace; so that if the iniquity of Israel be sought for, there shall be none; and the sins of Judah shall not be found. Jeremiah 50:20. And what I chiefly admire in this rich scripture is, the source and fountain of all this overwhelming mercy; namely, that the Lord may perform his truth to Jacob, and his mercy to Abraham; that is, his covenant of redemption, founded in the person, work, and offices, of the Lord Jesus Christ, in whom Jehovah had promised Abraham all his seed should be blessed. Genesis 12:3.

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