IT is hardly possible to read this Chapter, and behold the various methods which the enemies of Nehemiah made use of to draw him from the work he had engaged in for God's glory, without immediately having our minds led forth to contemplate the still more plausible and subtle devices which Satan and his agents are unweariedly engaged in to harass and afflict the people of God. What fiery darts of temptation do they throw forth from the quiver of their hellish malice? And if at anytime they are successful, which the Lord sometimes graciously may permit, for our greater advantage and his glory in the end; oh! how do they triumph in our fall. But Reader! there is a way, and it is indeed the only way of counteracting all the subtlety and malice of Satan; namely, as the redeemed now in heaven are said to have done; they overcame by the blood of the Lamb. Yes! blessed Jesus! thy name, thy cross, thy precious blood and righteousness; these are the ensigns of victory, by which alone we can resist the devil, and cause him to flee from us. And like Nehemiah we shall finish the wall, subdue all oppositions and be more than conquerors through thy grace helping us, when by thy blessed Spirit we are made strong in the Lord and in the power of his might.

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