MY soul! pause over this Chapter, and behold in Israel's murmuring and disobedience the picture of thine own heart. How often hast thou repined at thy GOD'S appointment, when matters have for a short space appeared a little thwarting to flesh and blood? Many a time since grace renewed thy heart hast thou looked back to the days of thine unregeneracy, and like Israel, to the flesh pots of Egypt, seemed to think, in an angry hour, it was better with thee then than now. LORD! give me grace to admire and adore, in the reviews of thy forbearance and long-suffering, how unchangeable thy love is to thy people. Well may it be said concerning the sovereignty of thy tender purposes, as thou didst to the church of old, I am the LORD, I change not, therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.

But my soul, chiefly in the view of this Chapter, do thou contemplate him in his everlasting priesthood, whom Moses personated when the people cried unto him in their distress, and he prayed unto the LORD. Yes! thou ever precious JESUS! thou wert made our great High Priest with an oath; and our GOD and FATHER hath in the most solemn manner anointed thee to be our priest forever, after the order of Melchisedec. Help me then in all my afflictions and distresses by reason of sin, to be looking unto thee who art mighty to save. Help me also to be feeding on thee by faith, and never, never slight or despise this heavenly manna; nor covet the flesh pots of a carnal appetite. May a gracious GOD and FATHER take of his HOLY SPIRIT, and put upon me, as upon the seventy elders: and may this be my happiness under such gracious influence, to be living in the constant apprehension of the knowledge and enjoyment of the mystery of GOD, and of the FATHER, and of CHRIST.

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