It is very striking to observe, even in the wilderness state of the church, and while the LORD was seemingly governing his people, to the exclusion of all other nations, how here and there we find distant allusions made to the gospel state, when the LORD would gather his people both Jew and Gentile into one fold. Though in the relations of civil society, very different was the law to strangers compared to that shown to Israel, yet in religion one ordinance was to be for both, Yes l one LORD JESUS CHRIST, one GOD and FATHER of all, who is above all, and through ally and in all; one precious salvation is enough for all. Delightful to this purport was the prophet's prediction when led by the HOLY GHOST, to look into the gospel church and describe its leading principle; when the LORD should be king over all the earth, then there should be one LORD and his name one. Zechariah 14:9.

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