Reader! I charge it upon your conscience as I pray for grace, to keep it always alive upon my own, that as every sacrifice under the law referred to that one glorious sacrifice of JESUS, so we see here by the special pointing out of GOD the HOLY GHOST, that the efficacy of that precious atonement not only referred to sins of knowledge and confession, but took in and included sins of ignorance also. Precious JESUS! to what extent in my life doth this reach? Who can understand his errors? Even to what in the vain confidence of my heart I might sometimes have been led to hope were faultless, in seasons of worship, moments of devotion, and the like. Oh! how sweet is the reflection, that it is JESUS which taketh away the iniquity, even of our most holy things: Exodus 28:38. It should seem that many of GOD'S pious people were particularly attentive to this law concerning sins of ignorance. If the Reader wishes to see instances, I refer him to the case of Hezekiah; 2 Chronicles 29:21. And of Ezra; Ezra 8:35.

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