Doth not the warlike state of Israel, in this appointment, represent the warlike condition of all true soldiers of Jesus! Hence the church is represented as terrible as an army with banners. Song 1-8. I think it more than probable, that the usage among warriors in the subsequent ages of the world, of having standards with devices put upon them, took its rise from this circumstance of the divine appointment. But alas! how hath it degenerated! Let my banner be the lion of the tribe of Judah, and Jehovah nissi for the motto. Revelation 5:5; Exodus 17:15. I would have the Reader remark with me, that in precedency Judah takes the lead. If we would know wherefore, see Hebrews 7:14. See another instance, Judges 20:18. It is truly interesting to behold how in all things Jesus is typified as having the pre-eminence. Colossians 1:18.

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