SEE, my soul, thy God and Saviour is himself thy standard, ensign, and banner! Behold how he is lifted up to draw thee unto him! Lord give me grace and a discerning eye, to view thee in thy person character, and office as the standard of my Father's house! Let me behold thee in thy faithfulness, in thy love, and in everything that may tend to endear thee to my heart. Let me see thee set forth in type, in all the Old Testament shadows; and realized in all the New Testament sub stance. And, O my God, give me power in thy strength, to fight under thy banner, against sin, death, and Satan, and all the enemies of my salvation. And dearest Jesus! do thou go before me through all the warfare, that I may feel in my own experience, that glorious promise of my God and Father fulfilled, wherein he saith, Behold I have given him for a witness, a leader, and commander to the people. Even so, Amen.

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