These are very precious truths; and doubly so when read with an eye to the evidence they bring with them, as they are in JESUS. In the covenant relationship of GOD in CHRIST, the word, the oath, the promises of the FATHER: the blood, the righteousness, the grace, and mercy of the SON: and the fellowship and communion of the HOLY GHOST: all these confirm the unquestionable testimony of the unchangeableness and faithfulness of JEHOVAH. Reader, mark it down as an infallible truth; GOD is not a man that he should lie. He may, and he doth, change the plan of his providences, as they appear to us; but never will he alter the purposes of his grace. Beheld in JESUS, the LORD hath not seen iniquity in his people. See those precious Scriptures, 2 Corinthians 5:21; Jeremiah 50:20; Song 1-8. But while I beg the Reader to dwell much upon these very blessed truths, I must beg of him at the same time, not to lose sight of Balaam's confession: that there is no enchantment against Jacob, nor divination against Israel. No! blessed be GOD. JESUS hath told us indeed, (Revelation 2:10) that Satan will cast some of his people into prison, and they shall have tribulation ten days: yet we are to fear none of these things. Satan would not only cast some, if he could, but all: and instead of a prison he would cast them into hell: and instead of ten days he would have it to be forever. But the Song of Salvation must be sung, for the accuser of our brethren shall be cast down. Revelation 12:10.

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