We have in this Chapter, the continuation and conclusion of the history of Balak and Balaam. And never surely was there afforded a more memorable evidence, than there is in it, of the LORD'S over-ruling the minds of men to his own glory, his people's joy, and his enemies' destruction. Balaam and Balak part in anger, and the former is constrained by the same power, under whose influence he had through the whole conference been guided, to inform the latter, what events, from the LORD and his people should befall him and Moab in the end.

Numbers 24:1

This verse is the key to the whole history. Here it is explained to us by the HOLY GHOST himself, that Balaam's pretended withdrawing from Balak at the time of his standing by his sacrifice, was not to consult the LORD, but to use enchantments. Compare this verse, with Numbers 23:15; Numbers 23:15. But Reader, let me again and again, charge you to observe with me, how our gracious GOD over-rules the mind in compelling the magician to do the reverse of what he intended. So the LORD worketh upon another occasion by the magicians of Egypt: Exodus 8:18. What a beautiful light is thrown upon the whole history of Israel in Egypt, by that single verse of the Psalmist; "He turned their heart to hate his people." Psalms 105:25. Reader, if you are a child of GOD, never anymore be at a loss to explain the cause of all that enmity the world manifests against GOD'S people. How sweet is that truth of the prophet, that GOD will work, and who shall let it. Isaiah 43:13. Well might Balaam determine to lay aside his enchantments, for to what purpose make a third experiment, when baffled twice before?

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