A melancholy relation is contained in this Chapter. The children of Israel fall into idolatry. The LORD'S visitation in a way of judgment follows. Phinehas distinguisheth himself amidst the general corruption in his zeal for the LORD'S honor, and is solemnly blessed of GOD for it.

Numbers 25:1

Reader! pause over this verse and seriously reflect, what various foes the LORD'S Israel in all ages have to contend with. Neither Balaam's curse nor Balak's sword could hurt Israel, but their own lusts did more injury than both. What hath not the sensual passions of the heart accomplished! It was a saying of one of the ancient fathers, LORD, keep me from that evil man, myself. Depend upon it we have more to fear from our own corrupt passions, than from the malice of all our enemies. And more cause to suspect danger from a smiling, than from a frowning world. But let the Reader recollect what Scripture tells us concerning Balaam, it was from his advice that Balak sent his enticing women to seduce Israel, and cast the stumbling block of iniquity before them. Revelation 2:14.

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