PAUSE, my soul, over this chapter now again in the close of it, and while taking a leisurely review of the sad consequences of a fallen state, look up for grace to keep thee from the stratagems of Satan and all his agents, lest thou fall after the same example of unbelief. I would convert the apostle's account of this sad history into a prayer, and say, LORD grant that I may not lust after evil things as they lusted, neither commit fornication as some of them committed; but grant gracious GOD that amidst all the variety of temptations, which beset my soul in this wilderness, a way may be made for me to escape, that I may be able to bear it.

And while I behold the zeal of Phinehas, who amidst the general corruption was found faithful to his GOD, oh! may I never forget thee, thou great High Priest of a better dispensation established upon better promises. Dearest JESUS! it is thou, whose ardent love for thy FATHER'S glory, and thy people's welfare, brought thee down from heaven; and in the destruction of sin, thou hast destroyed the works of the devil. Be thou my everlasting priest, thou great Melchisedec, and may I find in thee all the FATHER'S grace, and mercy, and love, displayed in thine everlasting priesthood.

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