It is supposed, and with great appearance of truth, that commerce with the women formed a part of the idolatrous worship of the Moabites. So that while Israel was giving themselves up to their lust in the arms of the daughters of Moab; the bowing to the idols of Moab, was the sure consequence of it. Oh! what a state of sin is our nature reduced to by the fall. Is this Israel, whom the LORD hath so loved, so preserved, so taken care of, and so blessed and defended? And is this Israel now at Shittim, which was just over against the land of promise, and ready now to enter upon the possession of it. Hath the LORD indeed proved so faithful to Israel: and is Israel now manifesting himself so unfaithful to GOD. Reader! look into our own heart? Are you of the true Israel of GOD? And are you better than they? Remember the apostle's solemn admonition on this very passage: let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. 1 Corinthians 10:12.

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