IN the contemplation of the events recorded in this Chapter, I feel my heart constrained to cry out, LORD! what is man, whose breath is in his nostrils, for wherein is he to be accounted of! Think, my soul, while thou here reviewest the dreadful ravages of death during forty years only, what destruction hath been made by death during nearly now six thousand years since sin first entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passeth upon all men, because all have sinned. But dearest JESUS! here again let me turn from the view of the desolations made by death, to behold thee in all the glories of thy redeeming character, as having by thy death overcome death, and opened the first view of the everlasting mansions of life, in thy triumph over the grave. Precious JESUS! thou art the Rock of ages. On thee may I be built, as a sure dwelling place. In thy book may my soul be found numbered! And when all the wilderness dispensations of a wilderness journey, and the wilderness itself, shall be destroyed, may an entrance into the Canaan of thy everlasting, unchanging love, be my portion among the numbered tribes of GOD.

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