LET neither the Writer nor Reader for a moment be led to suppose that the frequent repetition of these laws concerning the religious services of the LORD'S heritage, are superfluous or unnecessary: but rather let both therefrom be led, to remark, how infinitely important must be that glorious liberty of the gospel to which they all ministered; and how ineffectual all other services are in themselves to bring the heart to GOD. If the Reader and the Writer should, under the blessed teachings of the HOLY GHOST, be directed to this improvement from the whole, every repeated precept and ordinance will be indeed made precious to the soul.

Do thou, my soul, seek grace from above to learn yet more and more, however slightly and inconsiderately viewed by others, the vast, the infinite importance of the full, free, and rich salvation by JESUS, as it must appear in the divine eye, to cause it to be ushered in through so many ages with such a wonderful profusion of sacrifices and offerings. Who indeed, can go through the perusal of so many Chapter s concerning sacrifices, and behold them again and again repeated and insisted upon, in such awful terms, for obedience, without being wonderfully struck with the conviction of the infinite importance of the blood and righteousness of JESUS. Oh! thou precious, precious LAMB of GOD! who hast by the one all-sufficient, all-effectual offering of thyself once offered, forever perfected them that are sanctified. Oh! may I feel my heart more powerfully constrained to the love of thee, in every renewed perusal of these sacrifices of the law! Dearest JESUS! in every service, under every ordinance, in the feast days of holy rejoicing, or the fast days of humiliation; both when the gospel trumpet is sounded, of pardon, mercy, and peace, in the blood of thy cross; or when the laws of a broken commandment are read, to show my soul that by a covenant of works no flesh can be justified before GOD: in any and in all be thou my hope, my joy, my confidence, my righteousness, my all in all, to bring my heart to GOD. And do thou, blessed SPIRIT! whose work alone it is, to shed abroad a Saviour's love within me; so incline my every affection into the love of JESUS, that I may henceforth no longer live to myself, but to him that died for me and rose again.

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