I have often considered the blessing here appointed by GOD himself, as being a very striking form of expression. This is what may be considered as the great standard for blessing GOD'S people, in the Old Testament dispensation, as that expressed by the apostle Paul, is the order under the New: 2 Corinthians 13:14. And a little attention to both will show that they are only different methods of expressing one, and the same thing. Reader! observe the manner and form made use of, and then judge for yourself, whether the words of the blessing do not particularly express the several distinct and special mercies which each person of the GODHEAD is said, in other parts of scripture, to manifest towards the people of GOD in CHRIST. First, remark with me, that the incommunicable and glorious name of JEHOVAH, or LORD, is thrice repeated. Next observe, how each time the form is altered. The LORD bless thee, and keep thee. The blessing and keeping of GOD'S heritage, is in a very peculiar and express manner ascribed to GOD the FATHER. See in proof of this, these scriptures. Ephesians 1:3; 1 Peter 1:5; 1 Peter 1:5; John 17:11. So again, when it is said; the LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee. Is not this the peculiar blessing of GOD our Saviour? when the light of the knowledge of the glory of GOD is given to us in the face of JESUS CHRIST? See 2 Corinthians 3:18; 2 Corinthians 3:18; John 1:18; John 1:18. And is it not through the grace that is in CHRIST JESUS, that we find mercy from GOD even the FATHER? Romans 5:11; Colossians 1:20. And is not the peculiar office of GOD the HOLY GHOST, very strikingly adverted to in this expression; the LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace. Among the special offices of GOD the SPIRIT, that of comforting his people with the light of his countenance, is very eminently striking; and of making peace in the soul, by the application of all the sweet graces and blessings of the LORD JESUS? See the church's lamentation, when under the want of this; Lamentations 1:16. Hence the LORD JESUS's promise, John 14:26. Hence also the prayer of the apostle, Romans 15:13. When the Reader hath made his own remarks upon these things, I would beg him to take with him another observation on this precious blessing; and that is, that the blessing is personal; the LORD bless thee, and keep thee. Yes! Reader, you and I must not be content with general things, we must see and know our own personal interest in them. Dearest LORD! grant this to both Writer and Reader! And let me beg the Reader to bear with me, while I add another observation on this sweet passage. The priests, the sons of Aaron, who were appointed to bless the people in this way, could only pray the LORD that it might be so, and that the LORD'S blessing would follow. But our JESUS, whom they represented, commands the blessing which he pronounceth; for we are told by an authority not to be questioned, that GOD having raised up his Son JESUS, sent him to bless us. Acts 3:26. Dear JESUS! how precious is it to see that in all things, thou hast the pre-eminence. Colossians 1:18. Let me detain the Reader only with a prayer over the whole, that the blessed promise in the close of this chapter, may be our portion; that JESUS our High Priest, may put the name of our GOD upon us, as his children, and we shall be blessed indeed! Revelation 2:12.

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