If I avoid detaining the Reader, while going over these many verses, it is not because any or either of them is uninteresting; but, because, in the Poor Man's Commentary I am studying to compress all I can, within the smallest compass. Indeed, but for this, I should detain the Reader to observe to him, how gracious it was in the HOLY GHOST, thus to cause every man's offering to be particularly, and specially noticed. Reader say, supposing you had borne a part, in those solemn services and dedications to the LORD; would you not be glad to find your name graciously marked down: and on the contrary would you not have been much distressed, if neglected, or passed over unnoticed? It is very refreshing to a true believer in JESUS, to know by such marks that GOD doth not overlook, or forget his labour of love. Hebrews 6:10. Reader! take notice of the sin-offering, joined to the gifts of the princes. Yes! JESUS must be in all our offerings to atone for them, for there is sin mixed with all we do. Reader! remark also, that the gifts of the princes were all alike. Yes! the greatest offerings of the rich, and the humble offerings of the poor; all must be sanctified by Him who alone sanctifieth both the gift, and giver. And who is that but JESUS, who is all in all, to his people. 2 Corinthians 8:15. But above all, Reader, do not overlook that the LORD JESUS is himself, both our tabernacle, our altar and offering. And while we bring at anytime of our poor oblations to the LORD, oh! for grace to think duly of that one offering of himself, by which he hath forever perfected them that are sanctified. Hebrews 10:14.

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