READER! do not fail to remark, both the nature of the arguments, and the affectionate claims of them, by which the Apostle aims to allure the Church to a oneness of mind and heart, to Christ and his people. What could he say more persuasively in those high claims than when recommending them by the consolations of Christ, the fellowship of the Holy Ghost; and the bowels, and mercies, of God the Father? But, while I earnestly desire the Reader to remark this, as he goes, I beg him yet more particularly to attend to what God the Holy Ghost hath recorded, in this mot blessed Chapter, concerning the Person, Godhead, manhood, grace, and glory, of the Lord Jesus Christ; and the Father's glory in Him. Reader! was there ever a more precious form of words, brought together within the compass of a few verses, than what is here done, to exalt, and extol, to the Church's view, the personal dignity, and the personal humbleness, of Christ, in the accomplishment of the great purposes of revelation? Who that reads it, and reads it with an enlightened eye, but must feel his whole soul going forth in desires after Christ, to be able to comprehend with all saints, what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height, of the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge! Oh! for grace, that the same mind may be in us, which was in Christ Jesus!

Reader! let us seek strength from the Lord, for every act of faith upon the Lord, that while both the Lord's word and our daily experience teach us, that it is GOD which worketh in us, both to will and to do of his good pleasure; that will may be discovered by us, in leading us wholly to Christ; and that doing, may be made known to us, to be the Lord's work in us: for we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. Lord! I would beg for myself, and for all thy redeemed ones, to be so found, in the daily exercise of thy willing, and doing, in me, with an holy fear, and trembling, as those who had always before their eyes the infinite importance of their own salvation; while confident of safety, in the Covenant-promises of God my Father, and the complete, and finished redemption, of the Lord Jesus Christ. Lord! grant, that I may have my whole conversation here below, while continuing in the present time-state of the Church, as the blameless, and harmless sons of God, without rebuke; holding forth the word of life, and in the midst of a crooked, and perverse nation, shining as lights in the world!

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