READER! let us both look to Him that gave to Solomon wisdom. that while some will run through these Proverbs as men may pass over a field where treasure is hidden, and are unconscious what is under them; you and I may see and know the things which are freely given to us of God. The parables of Jesus were still parables to the unenlightened multitude. But to his disciples it was given to know the mysteries of the kingdom.

In these dark sayings, here are many blessed and bright things. But like the Lord's hidden ones, as they are unknown to the world, so is the bread of life which is handed to them in secret. And Reader! let you and I, as we go over those several passages bring them all to Jesus, He will expound them to us in order, as he did to his disciples, when we are alone. Are not we ourselves, if Christ's followers, men wondered at? Is not our spiritual life a mystery; our new birth, our effectual calling, pardon, justification, adoption, sanctification, with all the blessings, supports, recoveries, helps, refreshments, in short, all the ways of grace here, and the promise of life in Jesus hereafter; is not the whole a mystery, and are we not frequently prompted to cry out as we go along our pilgrimage, and especially when at any time Jesus himself comes to us in a sweet visit of love, Lord! how is it that thou dost manifest thyself to us, and not unto the world? And shall it be more a subject of wonder, that the word of his grace is to be read with other eyes, and explained with other tongues than men of the world are acquainted with? Precious Jesus! be thou our Instructor, for thou art a matchless Guide! Lead us into all truth: and if led by thee, we are made to discover thy Person, or thy work, thy grace, or thy favour, sweetly veiled under those parables: surely, Lord, we shall feel, as those disciples felt, Our hearts burn within us, while thou talkest to us by the way, and while thou expoundest to us, in these scriptures, the things concerning thyself.

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