I BESEECH thee, gracious Master, to give me a right understanding in all things. Taught by thee, I shall then discover, that thou art here folded up in this chapter. And however, as so many parables, I may first read what is here written, soon, under thy teaching, I shall learn that of thee they treat, and to thee they are intended to lead me. - And have I, my soul, so learned Christ? Was Jesus the parable of the Gospel upon many occasions? And is he not very frequently in the Old Testament scripture? Was Jesus the Lazarus there depictured, poor, and without food, or resting place: bruised, and laying at the gate of the rich Scribes and Pharisees, despised, and at length dead; and while they knew him not, carried amidst the chariots of Angels to his Father's bosom - and do I not behold him here, amidst the parables, the surety for the poor stranger and smarting for it? - him that scattereth, and yet increaseth: the liberal soul that maketh fat - and having watered the thirsty souls of sinners, is now glorified of his Father; and all power is given to him, as the glory-man mediator, in heaven and in earth? Hail! blessed, precious Jesus! thou art he whom thy people shall adore, and blessings shall be upon the head of him that was separated from his brethren; whom God our Father, hath made Universal Lord of our Egypt; and in whose wisdom, provision is laid for selling corn, for the salvation of our souls, when without thee, the famine of the bread of life, would have caused us to have perished forever.

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