READER! pause with me over the review of this chapter, and let us mark together the improvements which an heart, taught by grace, can readily make out of it. To an enlightened eye, which discerns Christ in the whole field of scripture, there is not a flower in it but will yield both beauty and sweetness to our taste. And, like the bee, we shall gather by faith food from all. But, if the eye be not enlightened to see him, many a lovely step, which would lead to the Plant of renown, we shall never take; but like the wild beast of the wood, tread the whole under our feet. Oh! for grace, so to read the scriptures, as to discover in them the mysteries of the kingdom. All, in every part, treat of Jesus in his Person, offices, relations, characters, ordinances, communion. Let us, my brother, continually pray for this grace, to lead us, and to guide us, that we may walk in the Spirit, and be taught by the Spirit. For, if the Holy Ghost bring us thoroughly to be acquainted with our Lord, no part of the divine word will suffer us, at any time to turn from it, until that we have discovered Jesus in it. And, when, in going over the field of the scriptures, like the merchant-man, Jesus himself speaks of seeking goodly pearls, we have found Him the one of great price, of whom Moses and the Prophets did write; such a Pearl, indeed, in whom all grace, glory, yea, God himself, in all his fulness dwells, being once found; oh! how gladly shall we go and sell all that we have, and part with all that before we valued the possession of, to obtain him, and to acquire every day an increasing knowledge of him, and communion with him, whom truly to know, and as truly to enjoy, is life eternal.

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