Reader! what a blessed thing it is to sit down under the teaching of the Holy Ghost; and while this book of God appears indeed truly parables, and must continue so unexplained, until that Jesus by his Spirit opens it to our understanding, for us to be led therefrom to see, the mysteries of his kingdom: To the pure (saith an apostle) all things are pure, but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure. Mark it down my brother, among the gracious things of God, to be brought out of the darkness of a natural state and to be introduced into the kingdom of his dear Son; what an unspeakable mercy is here! By this one act of sovereign grace all the blessings, privileges; titles, inheritance; all are made over and secure in the everlasting covenant. The Father engageth to bestow all the blessings of it. Jesus hath secured them by his blood and righteousness. And the Holy Ghost undertakes to instruct them into all the knowledge suited to their adopted state and character. He will guide them into all truth. He shall take of mine (saith Jesus) and shew unto you. All mysteries, parables, proverbs, essential for their furtherance in grace, and the knowledge of the Lord, shall be explained unto them. Unto you is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God, but to others in parables. Hence, saith the Lord God; in one of the sweetest and most encouraging portions of scripture, wilt thou not from this time cry unto me, My Father thou art the guide of my youth? Jeremiah 3:4.

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