I TAKE occasion from what this chapter hath suggested of a false witness, to admonish the Reader, while I pray for grace to receive at the same time in my own heart, the full admonition; to be always upon our watch-tower for the faithful and true Witness concerning Jesus; even God the Holy Ghost, who is to bring all things to our remembrance, whatsoever Christ hath taught us.

And Reader! it is most blessed and refreshing to a seeking soul to mark the footsteps of his coming. For he comes to us in the Son's name from the Father, to propose to us, not in proverbs only, but in the plain words of God, the gracious proclamation of pardon, mercy, and peace in the blood of the cross. He not only proposeth to us these mercies, but he disposeth the heart to receive what he brings. He not only shews us the loveliness and suitableness of the Saviour; but he inclineth the soul to see and feel the want of him, and to seek salvation in his blood. And when by his grace he hath powerfully pleaded in our conscience for Christ, and against ourselves; in shewing how gracious Jesus is, and how unworthy we are; how very suited he is to us, and how suited we are to him; he puts a cry into our hearts in leading us to the throne of grace, where we may find mercy and grace to help in every time of need. Reader! do suffer me to ask you, hath the Holy Ghost thus witnessed in your heart? Oh! for grace not to grieve the Holy Spirit of the Lord, whereby souls are sealed unto the day of redemption. Lord! grant that my soul may have this faithful Teacher witnessing with my spirit that I am a child of God. Keep me, Lord, from every false witness, convinced that this chapter twice hath marked it down, that the end of it is death.

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