PRECIOUS Jesus! at the very mention of thy name, how do all lesser objects lose their interest; and what an everlasting security is there found in thee, while living upon thy fulness, and deriving all strength for the practice of every social and religious obligation, in the communications of thy grace! Yes, blessed Lord, the cisterns of my poor soul, which thou hast filled, shall make me love to run to the fountain head, beholding from whence they flow, and how they are supplied continually by thee. And while thou art richly imparting all suited grace from thy fulness, to supply my necessities; gladly will I communicate the joyful tidings around, that the reports of Jesus and his glorious redemption, like rivers of waters in the street, may be circulated in every direction. I will tell to all, as far as my poor stammering tongue can utter, the truth that Jesus is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. And I will proclaim far and near, and in every direction, that he is a fountain open and not sealed, where every poor needy sinner like myself, whose heart is made willing in the day of the Lord's power, may freely come to wash and be made white in the blood of the Lamb; and to take of the water of life freely when the soul is thirsting for Jesus, as the hart for the water brooks. Oh! thou fountain of Jehovah! cause my soul to drink largely of that river whose streams make glad the city of God.

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