Here the invitation, or rather the command, is reiterated: surely such a God, such a Creator; such a Redeemer, may well demand our warmest praise. And therefore let us enter into his courts: let us approach his footstool: let praise, thanksgiving, and sacred joy fill every heart, swell every song, burst from every tongue: bless, bless his name! Reader; in the Jewish church, the courts of God's house became the nearest place the Gentiles were permitted to approach, in their sacred worship: and even Israel was not allowed to enter into the Holy Place. But you and I, poor Gentiles by nature, and sinners by practice, are permitted to enter into the holiest, by the blood of Jesus; nay, commanded to come, and find grace to help in all time of need. Think, my brother, of the vast privilege; and let us improve it to his glory, in whose name and righteousness we can alone come, and by whose rich redemption such blessings are alone made ours.

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