The Psalmist, having thus stirred up himself to bless God in Christ, here breaks out into a fervour of holy devotion, and calls upon all intelligent creation to join in the hymn of praise, that the acknowledgment of divine goodness may be universal. Put forth all your strength, ye angels of his (elect angels, as Paul calls them), preserved in Christ Jesus: do ye praise Him. 1 Timothy 5:21. Ye ministers and hosts, whether employed in the upper or in the lower world, do ye join in the song. Yea, let all the works of our God in Christ, in all places, join in the same. And do thou, my soul, unceasingly do so; and set a hearty response of Amen to the notes of all creation, which praise our God and Saviour. Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto Him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb, forever and ever.

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