MY sold! read, and pause over again and again, this lovely hymn, until thine heart, and every devout affection, go forth in praises to Jehovah, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, for all the blessings here ascribed to Him, who is indeed very great, and glorious, and clothed with honour and majesty. Behold him going forth in acts of creation, providence, goodness, mercy! See the Lord as raising up this magnificent universe, and storing it with inhabitants, not to make himself more glorious, for that is impossible; but to make innumerable beings happy: not that he might receive, but that he might impart; and pour out emanations of himself to communicate life and comfort to myriads. Hail! thou glorious, great, and bountiful Jehovah.

And, my soul, when thou hast duly pondered this wonderful subject, and bent the knee in praise and humbleness before a God of such infinite power and majesty, as he has manifested in the outer works of nature and providence; look up for his leadings, to take thee by the hand, and to bring thee in to his inner courts of grace; and there let thy mind be overwhelmed in contemplating a God in Christ, displaying redemption to a lost world, in the person, and by the offices of Jesus. Oh! thou brightness of the Father's glory, and the express image of his Person! In the glories of thy redemption thou hast gone forth for thy people; making thine Angels spirits, and thy ministers a flaming fire. Thou sendest forth the springs of thy grace into the humble heart, and thou waterest the souls of thy redeemed from above; all, all live upon thee, and in thee, and from thy rich communications. Help me then, Lord, to praise thee, to love thee, to delight in thee, and let my meditation of thee be sweet. Sweet it always must be, most blessed Jesus, for thy very name is as ointment poured forth. And while sinners that despise thee, and will not accept thy salvation, shall be no more; let my unceasing song of love and praise come up before thee from day to day, till I join the redeemed in their hallelujahs before the throne forever. Amen.

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