Here is another striking representation, whether considered with respect to God's providence or his grace, to show the miseries of our nature by the fall. How do souls groan in their prison-houses! Whether the cry be from grace or nature, yet misery will cause it to be put forth. Elihu describes the state of carnal men under misery: they cry out, he saith, by reason of the multitude of oppressors; but none saith, Where is God my maker, who giveth songs in the night? In all this no cry to God, no seeking to him! Job 35:9. But the people of God under their affliction, direct their cries to God. Seek deliverance, not so much from sorrow, as from the bondage of sin, death, and hell; and when those cries come up from a broken and contrite heart, induced by the Spirit, and offered in the name of Jesus; the Lord breaks their bands asunder, and brings them out of their prison-house. Here again as before, a renewed occasion presents itself for chanting hymns of praise. See Isaiah 42:6; Psalms 51:17; Zechariah 9:11.

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