PAUSE, my soul, over the contents of this very, very solemn Psalm. Behold in the traitor Judas, the head and representative of all the despisers of Jesus, the awful but sure consequences of rejecting the Lord of life and glory: and think what must be the end of all such workers of iniquity. If such was the close of that apostate's life, as the scripture records; if such the indignation which fell upon the Jewish nation and their beloved Jerusalem; if such to this hour the wretched state of their posterity; what indignation and wrath, tribulation and anguish, will fall on those who crucify the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame! Oh! ye despisers of the Godhead of Jesus! Oh! ye who deny the Lord that bought the church with his blood! think, before it be too late, what horrors and alarms will overwhelm the soul when the Son of God shall come in all his glory, and the glory of his Father, to take vengeance on them who would not that he should reign over them.

Look up, my soul, look up by faith, and in the contemplation of the glory that shall be revealed, behold thy Jesus on his throne of grace, dispensing blessings to all his people. See him as a Lamb in the midst of the throne; all power is his, in heaven and in earth. Look to him for every covenant blessing, for in him it hath pleased the Father that all fulness should dwell. Love him who hath so loved thee: live to him who hath both lived and died for thee: and let all thy fresh springs be in him, in whom is the fountain of life, and in whose light alone thou mayest see light. Hail! ever blessed, ever lovely, and all loving Jesus! Blessed be God for Jesus Christ. Amen.

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