The prophet having celebrated Christ in his kingly office, here extols him in his priestly character. Christ is indeed, and so the prophet described him ages before his advent, a Priest upon his throne, Zechariah 6:13. And here he traces up the wonderful subject to the counsel of peace between them both, in Jehovah swearing Christ into his priestly office, even that of an everlasting priesthood, after the order of Melchisedeck. It would fill a volume to give merely the outlines of this most blessed and interesting subject of Jesus, as the High Priest of his church and people. But in a work of this kind, brevity must be observed. Of this Melchisedeck, after whose order Christ was made a priest, the scripture hath not given such clear information as to enable us to speak particularly. The apostle Paul, in Hebrews 7:1, hath largely dwelt upon it. To this therefore I refer, together with the original account, Genesis 14:18. But a Priest forever, as our Lord was sworn to be by Jehovah, takes up the subject yet higher, and proves that Christ was set up from everlasting. And as a priest with an oath implies the validity and certainty of his office, which nothing can alter, nothing can revoke; Reader! never lose sight of Jesus in this high office. He ever lives to plead for sinners, having an unchangeable priesthood, and therefore can and will save to the uttermost all that come unto God by him.

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