BLESSED Jesus! let it be my happiness to be everlastingly viewing thee, that so pride may be forever hidden from my eyes; and that I may never come into the dreadful temptation to rob Jesus of his glory, and my own soul of comfort, in fancying that I have had the least hand in contributing to my own salvation. Let this be my every day motto: Not by might, nor by power, but by the Spirit of the Lord. And, Lord, help me to bless thee in the recollection of the dumb idols, in the course of which I was heretofore led; but through redeeming grace and love thou hast brought me out, and taught me to serve and love thee, the ever living and true God. Precious Jesus! how dear oughtest thou to be to me, who art in thy person, and in thy righteousness, the all in all of thy people! It is thou who art the object of faith and love; the author, the giver, the preserver, the restorer, the sum and substance of all that is excellent: blessed, glorious Lord, help me while living to praise thee, and when dying to praise thee, and in the act of death to praise thee; that the first and last of all sounds on my trembling lips may be Jesus! And let the Sweet savour of thy name refresh my soul forever! Amen.

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