This Psalm contains some very gracious breathings of a devout soul; whether, by the spirit of prophecy, the sacred writer penned them as the suited language of Christ in the days of his flesh; or whether, as the pious ejaculations of one of the Lord's people, following the example of Christ, I do not presume to determine; but certainly here is a blessed assemblage of devout expressions, highly becoming the faithful to adopt and use, with their hearts raised upwards to Jesus.

Psalms 116:1

It is a point never to be forgotten, that if we love Christ, it is because he first loved us. 1 John 4:19. Laying this down as the foundation, the superstructure must be proper. It was God the Father's love that first gave us his dear Son; it was Jesus' love that first prompted his infinite mind to love us. Reader! never lose sight of these grand points of faith.

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