MY soul! methinks I would pass by all lesser considerations, to behold Jesus in this one sweet point of view, as thy Surety and thy Saviour, thus becoming the head of his church, and resting upon Jehovah's faithfulness for carrying him through the work of redemption. It is blessed, it is profitable, it is happiness itself, to contemplate Jesus in all his wonderful condescension. When the Son of God condescended to become man, he became subject to all that man is subject to, sin only excepted. And the holiness and purity of his nature, totally precluded the possibility of sin. But the weakness of our nature, and the infirmities of that nature in hungering, thirsting, weariness, and the like, as connected with a sinless nature - this, my soul, thy Surety, thy Jesus knew. Behold him then, in this state, ready to engage in the service of Jehovah his Father, for the salvation of his chosen; and, as this Psalm represents, looking for help, and resting for that help on the faithfulness of Jehovah. And when thou least looked to thy Jesus in this character long enough to feel thy whole affections going out after him in every tender regard; then, contemplate thy covenant God and Father answering thy Redeemer's request, in all those blessed assurances here given, of support and power. And Oh, my soul, rest for all thy own needful supplies, for every grace here, and glory hereafter, upon both these grand pillars, and ground of thy faith, the Father's covenant engagements, and the Son's merits and death. Receive Jesus as Jesus, the Father's gift to poor sinners, in all the glories of his own person, the sufficiency and efficacy of his satisfaction, and Jehovah's salvation to the ends of the earth. And while the Holy Ghost sets his seal to these blessed truths as they are in Jesus, commit all thy concerns into his Almighty hand, that in thy going out and in thy coming in, in time and to all eternity, Jesus may be thy hope, and thy portion forever.

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