The Church under affliction, speaks with some pain of the frequency of
it from persecutions: but towards the close of the Psalm she takes
comfort, from the consideration that the Lord will recompense her
A Song of Degrees.... [ Continue Reading ]
It is beautiful to observe how the Scriptures sometimes speak of the
church, and sometimes of Christ the head of the church, as one and the
same. Hence the church is sometimes called by Christ's name; Jeremiah
33:16. compared with Jeremiah 23:6. And as in name, so in interest,
all Christ hath as med... [ Continue Reading ]
Surely here we find Christ most emphatically pointed out: Jesus, the
Prophet, described as giving his back to the smiters; and in the hall
of Pilate we know that Jesus was scourged. Isaiah 50:6; John 19:1.... [ Continue Reading ]
These expressions are delivered in the. Spirit of prophecy; as if The
sacred Writer had said, such will be the sure consequence of all
Zion's foes; they must perish forever. And to which every true
follower of the Lord Jesus cannot but say Amen. So spake Deborah in
that divine song; So let all thine... [ Continue Reading ]
PAUSE, my soul! look back and see what part thou hast borne in the
afflictions of the Church. Depend upon it, among the truest evidences
of the renewed life, a sincere love to Zion forms a principal part. If
I truly love Jesus, I must love every member of the mystical body of
Jesus; and... [ Continue Reading ]