MY soul! hast thou been brought by the Holy Ghost into such views of thy fallen, ruined, and undone state, as to behold thyself in the depths of sin? And hast thou from thence sent forth the cry of thy soul for pardon, mercy, and peace, through the blood of the cross? And hath thine eye been opened by the same almighty Spirit, to behold Jesus the mercy promised, the propitiation, which God hath set forth for the salvation of sinners? Dust thou know Jesus indeed as the Father's gift, and that there is salvation in no other, neither is there any other name under heaven given among men, whereby thou mightest be saved? Look up, my soul, and with an eye of faith, even from the deep of sin, cry to the deep of mercy! See! behold! Jesus is with the Father, the advocate, the propitiation, the full ransom for sin! Behold him still wearing the vesture dipped in blood, as if to say, look at these marks, and Know that my blood and righteousness are of eternal efficacy! And under such blessed assurances do thou tell thy God and Father, what thy God and Father hath first told thee, that there is mercy, there is Jesus, his dear and ever blessed Son with him, so that thy redemption is secured. And do thou, my soul, proclaim abroad the glorious tidings, that other poor sinners may also come and find Jesus the mercy promised. Go forth and say, as one of old did, This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. And blessed Lord! cause me to wait for thee, to long for thee, and to be always found watching for thy gracious visits, more than they that wait for the morning, or the thirsty earth for the falling showers! Come, Lord, and refresh my longing soul, and be thou to me all I need, and all I can desire; wisdom and righteousness, sanctification and redemption, that all my glorying may be in thee, O Lord!

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