STAND still, my soul! and behold Jesus as the ark, the habitation, the - Sanctuary, the refuge, the, resting-place for poor sinners, which the Lord Jehovah hath founded, and not man. Look at Jesus, even at thy Jesus, in everyone of those characters. What a sure dwelling-place is Jesus for all his redeemed! May we not cry out, in the view of Him; nay, are we not constrained so to do; Lord, thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations! And is He not the hiding-place also to his redeemed, when they are hidden in the secret and mysterious union with his person, and interested in his righteousness? My soul, wilt thou not say, under this view, Surely my life is hid with Christ in God, that when Christ, who is my life shall appear, then shall I appear with him in glory! And is not Jesus the resting place for every poor weary sinner, tired with the burden of his sins, and of all his own fruitless endeavours to take that burden off, until Jesus, the mighty burden bearer, is beheld bearing our sins in his own body on the tree? Yes! Lord, here also I would say, Thou art the rest wherewith Jehovah causeth the weary to rest, and thou art the refreshing! Arise, Lord, into thy rest, would my soul humbly pray, thou and the Ark, the Jesus, of thy great strength. Clothe thy priests with the robe of Jesus's righteousness, and let every redeemed heart of thy saints shout with joy. Thou wilt bless, yea, thou wilt abundantly bless with all spiritual provision, their souls upon earth, as thou art feeding them now in glory, in the midst of the throne, with eternal food. Thine enemies, Lord, shall be eternally ashamed; but Jesus shall reign, and reign forever. Amen.

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