The Psalm sweetly ends as it began: Every good gift, and every perfect gift is from above. It is God that worketh in us, both to will, and to do of his good pleasure. And therefore we may find cause to give thanks to our God in Christ, and join the song, for his mercy endureth forever!


READER! in going over this Psalm, which is a beautiful repetition of the former, I hope that both your heart and mine have been led out to see, that on every side causes are perpetually arising, to call up the voice of thanksgiving, and to lead the soul to God in Christ with hymns and anthems every hour. Say, Reader! can you adopt the chorus as your own? Doth the Lord's mercy endure forever? Did Jesus remember you in your low estate? Hath Jesus manifested himself in a way of grace? and do you know him as your Alpha and Omega, your hope and portion forever? It is truly blessed thus to see our mercies, that the soul may be kept alive to the remembrance of them, so as to call up love and adoration to the great Author of our mercies forever. May a gracious God in Christ, who hath afforded so many and such unceasing causes to praise him, give us also the grace of his Holy Spirit to acknowledge his goodness in bestowing such unmerited tokens of love, that all hearts may join the universal song, and say with the church, Who remembered us in our low estate, for his mercy endureth forever. Amen.

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