BLESSED Jesus! under the incense of thy merits, and with a steady unwearied eye looking to thee and thy one all-sufficient sacrifice, would my soul desire, morning by morning, and evening by evening, to come before thy mercy-seat; and in language like this sweet Psalm, would I pray that my poor prayer, and my uplifted hands, should set forth my only hope, my only dependence on thee. Oh! for grace, blessed Lord, to be always habitually prepared for this employment, in being forever clothed with thy righteousness, and having all the ascension-gifts of thy Spirit implanted in my heart! Then would the actual exercises of grace upon thee, and to thee, be manifested in the going forth of my soul in faith and supplication, in love and praise. Then should I cry out with the church: Because of the savour of thy good ointment, thy name is as ointment poured forth, therefore do the virgins love thee. And while my soul is looking unto thee, hanging upon thee, and longing for thee with an earnestness that nothing but enjoyment can satisfy, I shall praise thee with joyful lips. Jesus will then bring me into his banqueting house, and his banner over me will be love. Then the noise without, and even the smiting of those that would reproach me within, will only tend to make Jesus more precious. Mine eyes shalt be looking unto the Lord, who will keep me from every snare, and at length bring me home to his heavenly kingdom!

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