PAUSE, my soul; look round, and behold, in all the objects around and about thee, above and below; how innumerable and unceasing are the demands which call for the praises of Jehovah. See how, in infinite wisdom, he hath made them all! Behold how the Lord provideth for them. Contemplate the worlds in the upper region, and consider what this blessed Psalm records, that all those suns and stars, which are so many systems of worlds, Jehovah counteth by number, and calleth by their names! When thou hast duly pondered over this vast subject, turn thy thoughts to the Lord's Jerusalem, his Zion, which is graven on the palms of his hands, and whose walls are continually before him: consider how Jesus hath founded Zion, built her on himself, washed her in his blood, clothed her in his righteousness, made her a perfection of beauty; secured her, fed her, nourished her, and will bless her forever. Then turn thy thoughts to thyself, a poor, trifling, insignificant member of Zion; and think, amidst all thy littleness, worthlessness, ingratitude, undeservings; Jesus still thinks on thee, loves thee, pities thee, blesses thee, and will bless thee. Hath he not done it, and is he not doing it? Hath he not healed thy broken heart, and bound up all thy wounds? Oh! for grace to bless him, to love him, to live to him, to adore him and in the humbling, yet transporting thought of grace so distinguishing, while thousands know him not, and are not acquainted with his statues, oh to praise him with unceasing praises, and to begin and end life, as this Psalm doth, Praise the Lord!

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