Having said so much upon the first account given of the citizen of Zion, less will be necessary to be observed here, in the other different features of character added. But the Reader himself, if he loves to trace the loveliness of the altogether lovely one here drawn, will find throughout the Bible, beautiful repetitions of the same, in every part, to show that it could be only Him the Holy Ghost had in view. And though all his redeemed have fellowship with him, are righteous in his righteousness, and are citizens, in him their glorious Head, of Zion; yet from first to last, while in the body here below, it is by grace alone, and from God's accepting them in the Beloved, that they are considered holy, and without blame before him in love. Reader, pause as you read the several characters given of our Jesus, in these sweet verses, and see how fully they mark his person, and at the same time, how all his saints fall short of him. Who but of Jesus can it be said, that he never slandered his neighbour, nor did evil to him, nor took up a reproach against him? Who but of Jesus could it ever be said, that a vile person is uniformly contemned without respect of persons, and he that feared the Lord, was always honored? Who but of Jesus could it be said, that he never swerved from his kind purposes, though it was to his own hurt, and changed not, however personally he suffered for it? Of none among the fallen sons of Adam, though renewed by grace, could such accounts be strictly given. But of Jesus all these features of character, yea, and a thousand more, mark his divine person. Yes, thou Holy One of God, thou and thou only, when thou wert reviled, reviled not again, but wast led as a lamb to the slaughter. Thou didst show no respect of persons, but didst choose the poor of this world, rich in faith, and heirs of thy kingdom, when sending the rich empty away! Thou didst not change thy blessed purposes, when thou hadst once undertaken the redemption of thy people, though by becoming surety for another, thou didst smart for it, and every joy of theirs, in thy great undertaking, cost thee pangs and blood. Hail! blessed Jesus: thou alone art worthy of ascending, and fixing thy eternal residence upon thy Zion, which thou hast justly earned. Thou alone wert worthy to open the book, and loose the seals thereof; for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood. Revelation 5:9.

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