How very sweet and gracious the Psalm opens! Jesus in his manhood had an eye to the Father, and his covenant promises, for help and strength, through all his great undertaking. And having found God faithful, he here recounts it, under all the variety of similitudes, by which the grace, and love; and strength of Jehovah could be set forth. He is a rock indeed, his work is perfect. Deuteronomy 32:4. I beg the Reader to remark with me, as a confirmation that David spake the words of this song under the spirit of prophecy, and with reference to the person of Christ, that the apostle Paul quotes from this verse a saying of Christ, as the margin of our old Bibles showeth Hebrews 2:13. which, as well as the verse of Paul's quoting before, Hebrews 2:12. taken from Psalms 22:22, evidently refers to the Lord Jesus. Reader, never think it a trouble, but rather a mercy, to be able to turn from one scripture to another, for this is the way which God the Holy Ghost hath blessed, and will bless, in opening his sacred truths, if we delight to compare spiritual things with spiritual. 1 Corinthians 2:12; Psalms 25:14.

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