Now, Lord, having beheld thy victories and the triumphs of thy redemption-work, let my soul pause over the same, and look up to thee in all those endearing characters, in which thou hast manifested thy grace and glory, when thou camest forth for the salvation of thy people. Do I not behold, in all that is here so sweetly expressed of thee and thy great undertaking, how graciously the Father's hand was with thee, in and through the whole of the work the Father gave thee to do? And shall I not by faith, while remembering thy victories this day, follow thee in the praises of Jehovah, and call God my Father in thee, my Rock, and my strong Salvation? Oh! precious, precious Jesus, how inexpressibly sweet and refreshing to my soul is it to see that, from the intimate connection in which all thy redeemed stand to thee, what thou rejoicest in, we also rejoice, thy triumphs are our triumphs, and thy victories our victories. Thou art our glorious Head, and thy church is thy body; thou art the fulness of all fulness, to fill all in all.

And now, Lord, lead all thy redeemed forth to the same victory, in the casting down all the strong holds of sin and Satan. Subdue in us, blessed Jesus, as thou hast subdued for us, every remaining lust within or foe without, and hasten the glorious hour, when all that would now oppose our everlasting enjoyment of thee shall be destroyed; and, like Israel on the shore of the Red Sea, beholding their foes destroyed before their eyes, may we see their faces no more again forever. Oh! for grace to begin the song of redeeming love, and to chant every verse of it daily, as we travel home to our Father's house: Salvation to God and the Lamb! And oh! for glory to break in upon our souls, when the pilgrimage is ended, and when we shall sing aloud that glorious song: Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ, and he shall reign forever. Amen.

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