READER, as oft as you and I look up and behold the heavenly bodies all ministering in their appointed order, and contemplate God's covenant love, existing and confirmed at this hour as much as when first God promised that seed-time and harvest, summer and winter, day and night should remain; oh! let the view bring home additional proofs of God's faithfulness. I would say to my heart, as Moses the man of God, said to Israel, Know thou, that the Lord thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations.

And, Reader, let this confirmation of God's faithfulness in the works of creation, become a blessed testimony to strengthen both our souls, of the faithfulness of Jehovah in the kingdom of his grace. Yes! blessed Jesus! thou art he whom God our Father hath given, as the light and life of thy people. In our nature, at the call of Jehovah, thou hast tabernacled. Thou hast with unceasing brightness, from day to day, been illuminating thy gospel church. Oh Lord! let the law of thy mouth, and thy statutes; thy testimonies, thy judgments, thy commandment, and thy fear, be inwrought by thy grace in our souls. And give us to esteem thee and thy word more than our necessary food. Cause us, under the enjoyment of it, to cry out with thy church of old, thy lips drop as the honeycomb, honey and milk are under thy tongue. Thy love is better than wine. Precious Lord! what shame and confusion of face ought we to feel, in the recollection of our numerous offences, numerous neglects, and forgetfulness of thee. Lord! revive thy work! awaken meditation! Oh thou, who art the hope of Israel and the Saviour thereof! be thou my constant joy, my unceasing delight; and let my meditation of thee be sweet, and all my springs be in thee!

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