Now here we have a verse, that if we needed it by way of showing to whom the whole Psalm belongs, and of whom alone it treats, would at once decide it. This king whom Jehovah crowned, is said to have asked life, and the Lord gave it forever. And this silenceth every question that otherwise might arise, whether David, King of Israel, or any other earthly monarch, could be meant. And hence it should act as a guide to every other passage which is not of so plain a nature. It enervates the blessed energy of the scriptures, when we presume to construe them with a double meaning. Jesus, and Jesus only, is the glorious King all along treated of: and therefore I would pray for grace, that I might never lose sight of him, in having my thoughts or affections taken off to the consideration of any other. And, Reader, that you and I may have also a clear apprehension in what sense Jesus is here represented as the King asking life, and Jehovah granting him a long life, even forever and ever, do not forget that in this, and in all other similar passages in the Bible, where Jesus is represented as asking, and Jehovah as granting, it is as our Head and Mediator. The Son of God, as God, one with the Father in his essential power and Godhead, can neither ask nor receive; for all creatures and things are his, in common with the Father and the Holy Ghost.

But when the Son of God condescended, for us and our redemption, to take upon him our nature, and in the union of the two natures, both God and man, he became one person, even Christ; here, as our Head, our Mediator, he hath a kingdom given to him, to reward him for his blessed work of redemption, and to furnish him with all blessings for his people, in time, and to all eternity. Hence those scriptures, like the present, which describe his reign, his sovereignty, and his people, as blessed in him. Psalms 24:7; Psalms 24:7, etc. Psalms 72:1 throughout, etc.

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