If the Reader will mark the different expressions here, and turn to the scriptures concerning Christ, he will discover their plain and evident reference to Jesus. David was never so bitterly reproached as Christ: neither so great a fear to his acquaintance, neither did men flee from him so apprehensive of danger, as in the case of Jesus. But we find Jesus indeed reproached as a blasphemer, a deceiver, a wine-bibber, a friend of publicans and sinners, and even a devil. For fear of being involved in the same ruin, all his disciples forsook him, and fled: and at his death, though they had trusted that it was he which should have redeemed Israel, no sooner was he laid in the grave, than they were about to return to their usual occupations. Luke 24:21; John 21:3. And never, surely, did men proceed with more slander, mingled with fear and apprehension, than when the chief priests and the council planned with the traitor Judas against the Lord of life and glory. John 11:47; Matthew 26:59; Matthew 26:59.

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