READER! let us both pause over the contents of this Psalm, and let us ask ourselves whether our own transgressions and daily short comings, have brought us to the same conclusion as the Psalmist? It is a blessed experience and among the first principles of a cure for disease, as well spiritual as bodily; when we are led to discover in what the disease consists. Yea, Reader! if the Holy Ghost hath convinced of sin, then transgression within our own heart will say, and say it too sometimes in a daring manner, the fear of God is for a while lessened. Alas! what is man, what is every man by sin?

Reader! let us both look to him where alone is our remedy. It is wholly with Jesus, in Jesus. He is indeed the fountain of life, the fountain for pardon, for sin, and for all uncleanness. Oh! for grace to be seeking to him continually. Depend upon it, my brother, the more we come, the more we seek, the more we draw, the faster will flow the streams from that spring, which is inexhaustible, unchangeable, eternal. Lord, be thou in me a well of water, springing up unto everlasting life!

Lord! I beseech thee, fulfil that blessed promise of being abundantly satisfied with the fulness of thine house. Oh! Lord, what can satisfy the desires of an awakened soul, but thyself? Life in thee, and communion with thee, unceasing enjoyment of thee, and unceasing and increasing desires after thee; these, Lord, are the longings of my soul: and do thou, Lord, grant me to be, according to this sweet promise, both satisfied, and abundantly satisfied, during a pilgrimage state here, in this dry and barren wilderness, until thou shalt bring me to the fountain head of everlasting enjoyment with the church above; where, when I awake up after thy likeness, I shall indeed be satisfied with thyself, and in thee find an eternal fountain of joy forevermore. Amen.

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