Who that ever read the prophet's account of Him, that as a sheep before her shearers was dumb, so he opened not his mouth; or who that ever read the relation of Jesus standing before Pilate, when, amidst all the blasphemy poured upon him, he remained silent, until the unjust judge himself marveled; or who that ever attended to what the apostle hath said of Jesus, that when he was reviled, he reviled not again; who, I say, that ever attended to these things, could hesitate for a moment to behold the Lord Christ in this prophetic description of him? Surely no one that knows anything of David's history, will give him credit for this dumbness and insensibility to the reproaches of his enemies. No! thou patient suffering Lamb of God, it is thou, and thou only, who wert able to endure such a contradiction of sinners against thyself. Isaiah 53:7; Mat 27:12-14; 1 Peter 2:23; Hebrews 12:3.

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